Urban Desert Garden

In April 2011, we started a blog.

We should begin the story before then, though.

In the fall of 2010, we built our backyard garden in Tucson, Arizona.

“So instead of boring all of our friends on facebook with hundreds of pictures of chickens and vegetables, we’ve decided to start a blog,” our first post said.

“We hope to share pictures, fun facts, some recipes from time to time and the rest of our successes and failures as we learn how to garden in a land lacking water. It’s also a way for us to track how our garden has progressed over time and what our yields are adding up to.

We hope that you are entertained by what we have to offer, as well as maybe learn a thing or two. We’re excited to start sharing!”

It grew from there!

We consistently posted blogs until the middle of 2014, when we made the big jump to a Facebook page instead.

The community that grew surrounding the original blog posts, and then the Facebook page that shared not only our own photos and updates, but also helpful and exciting educational resources, was awesome! Our audience grew to over 1.2 thousand followers.

Check out the amazing archive of posts, which include inspirational stories, educational resources, trials and errors from our Arizona garden, and recipes we tried and loved! The link to the Facebook page is still live here: https://www.facebook.com/urbandesertgarden/


Wylie Urban Farm & Market