Brandon Charles Iker, PhD
Open Innovation Scientist
Environmental Scientist
Sustainable Agriculture Expert
Plant-Based Food Innovator
Rooted Understanding:
Two decades in hands-on agriculture fused with academic insights provides me a dual lens to view challenges.
Innovation & Strategy:
As an open innovation scientist at Amway, I collaborated with executive teams on strategy, IP evaluations, business development, and technology assessments.
Holistic Problem Solving:
I merge human-centered design, i-Corps business tools, and academic principles from ecology and environmental sciences to craft realistic, executable, and profitable solutions.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Comfortable navigating across diverse organizations and varied levels of understanding.
Kitajima, M., Iker, B.C., Magill-Collins, A., Gaither, M., Stoehr, J.D., and Gerba, C.P. 2017. Genetic Analysis of Norovirus Strains that Caused Gastroenteritis Outbreaks Among River Rafters in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. WEM. (submitted)
Kitajima, M., Rachmadi, A., Iker. B.C., Haramoto, E., and Gerba, C.P. 2016. Genetically Distinct Genogroup IV Norovirus Strains Identified in Wastewater. A V. DOI 10.1007/00705-016-3036-z
Kitajima, M., Rachmadi, A.T., Iker B.C., Haramoto, E., Pepper, I.L., and Gerba, C.P. 2015. Occurrence and genetic diversity of human cosavirus in influent and effluent of wastewater treatment plants in Arizona, United States. AV. DOI 10.1007/s00705-015024350х.
Magill-Collins, A., Gaithner, M., Gerba, C.P., Kitajima, M., Iker, B.C., and Stoeh, J.D. 2014. Recurrent norovirus outbreaks among rafters in the Grand Canyon, Arizona, during the 2012 rafting season. WEMJ. DOI 10.1016/j.wem. 2015.02.007.
Kitajima, M., Iker, B.C., Pepper, I.L., and Gerba, C.P. 2014. Relative abundance and treatment reduction of viruses during wastewater treatment processes - identification of polential viral indicators. STE. 489:290-296.
Kitajima, M., Iker B.C., Rachmadi A.T., Haramoto, E., Gerba, C.P. 2014. Quantification and genetic analysis of Salivirus/Klassevirus in Wastewater in Arizona, USA. FEV. DOI 10.1007/S 12560-014-9148-2.
Kitajima, M., Haramoto, E., Iker, B.C., Gerba, C.P. 2014. Occurrence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Cyclospora in Influent and Effluent Water at Wastewater Treatment Plants in Arizona. STE. 484:129-136.
Iker, B.C., Bright, K.R., Pepper, I.L., Gerba, C.P., and Kitajima, M. 2013. Evaluation of commercial kits for the extraction and purification of viral nucleic acids from environmental and fecal samples. JVM. 191:24-30.
Pepper, I.L., Zerzghi, H.G., Bengson, S.A., Iker, B.C., Banerjee, M.J., and Brooks, J.P. 2012. Bacterial populations within copper mine tailings: long-term effects of amendment with Class A biosolids. JAM. 113:569-577.
Ryu, H., Tran, H., Ware, M., Iker, B.C., Griffin, S., Egorov, A., Edge, T., Newmann, N., Villegas, E., and Santo Doming, G. 2011. Application of leftover sample material from waterborne protozoa monitoring for the molecular detection of fecal bacteria and host-specific markers. JMM. 86:37-343.
Mondala, A.H., Hernandez, R., French, T., McFarland, L., Santo Domingo, J.W., Meckes, M., Ryu, H., and Iker, B.C. 2011. Enhanced lipid and biodiesel production from glucose-fed activated sludge: Kenetis and microbial community analysis. AlChE J. 58:1279.
Santo Domingo, J.W., Revetta, R.P., Iker, B.C., Gomez-Alvarez, V., Garcia, J., Sullivan, J., Weast, J. 2011. Molecular survey of concrete sewer biofilm microbial communities. Biofouling. 27:993-1001.
Revetta, R.P., Pemberton, A., Lamendella, R., Iker, B.C., and Santo Domingo, J.W. 2010. Identification of active bacterial communities in drinking water using 16S rNA-based sequence analyses. Water Research. 44:1353-60.
Iker, B.C., Lubbers B., Oehrle, S., Kambesis, P., and Barton, H.A. 2010. Microbial atrazine breakdown in karst groundwater systems and its effect on ecosystem energetics. JEQ. 39:509-18.
Book chapters
Iker, B.C., Kitajima, M. and Gerba, C.P. 2014. Sample Preparation of Plant, Animal, and Soil: Viral nucleic acids sample preparation.
Gerba, C.P., Kitajima, M. and Iker, B.C. 2012. Molecular Environmental Virology Chapter 18. Occurrence and removal of viruses during the waste-water treatment process.
Manuscripts in review or preparation
Hillebrand, G.G., Iker, B.C., Taylor, J, Moore, C.J., Dimitriu, P.A., and Mohn, W.W., 2023. Measuring dietary supplement adherence using a 'smart cap' helps demonstrate that a blend of resistant starches increases gut short chain fatty acids (SCAs) and among other health benefits. Clinical Nutrition. (in preparation)
Ph.D., Environmental Science, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science, August 2013
Minors: Microbial Ecology, Environmental Science, Water Policy
Graduate Advisors: Dr. Ian L. Pepper and Dr. Chuck P. Gerba
Dissertation: Application of advanced molecular techniques in applied environmental microbiologyB.S., Ecology/Organismal/Evolution, Northern Kentucky University, 2008
B.S., Molecular/Cell/Genetics, Northern Kentucky University, 2008
Minor: Chemistry
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hazel A. Barton
Thesis: Fate and transport of the chemical herbicide atrazine in karst aquifers -
Director of Operations, Grow Garden Grow, 2023
Director of Research and Development, Plant Biotechnology Stealth Startup, 2022-2023
Director of Research Development and Applications, GTF Technologies, 2021-2022
Plant Scientist, Access Business Group, 2019-2021
Research Scientist Clinical Investigator, Access Business Group 2015-2021
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Access Business Group, 2014-2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona, 2013-2014
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Arizona, 2011-2013
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona, 2010-2011
Private Contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008-2010
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Northern Kentucky University, 2005-2008
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Northern Kentucky University, 2008
MVP Award, 2022, GTF Technologies
Amway R&D Annual Research Award, 2015, Skin microbiome research
Enteric viruses as indicators of human and bovine fecal contamination in irrigation waters, 2014, Center for Produce Safety, ($224,340)
Temporal assessment of microbial biofilm community membership, 2012, Access Business Group International, LLC, ($62,000)
Microbial Ecology of H2 water treatment systems, 2012, Access Business Group International, LLC, ($57,000)
Water, Environmental, and Energy Solutions (WEES) equipment grant, 2012, Technology, Research, and Initiative Fund (TRIF), ($24,500)
Earth Week planning committee chair member, 2011-2013, University of Arizona
SWESx, founder and committee chair, 2011-2013, University of Arizona
Soil, Water, and Environmental Science graduate student committee president, 2011-2013, University of Arizona
Honorable Mention in Research, 2012, U.S. EPA
Outstanding Student Poster Abstract, 2012, American Society of Microbiology Meeting